Capturing Data

Considerations for data collection

When you are collecting data from human subjects, there are extra considerations that may affect your process. See our page on Compliance and Legal Issues for more about human subjects research at Emory.

Resources at Emory

To aid in your data collection efforts, the following resources and tools are available to Emory researchers:

  • Clinical Research Data Repositories: Emory has systems of existing clinical and health data available for research purposes. Principal investigators can request data sets from Emory University and Emory Healthcare.
  • Emory Integrated Core Facilities: researchers who need to access to advanced instruments and technologies can get support from Emory’s many core facilities.
  • LabKey: a "biology-aware" data integration platform for analyzing and sharing complex biomedical data. Emory's Enterprise LabKey Server is a highly customized platform which can help define new data types, customize collection methods, and design workflows for individual environments.
  • LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System): use Emory's enterprise-class information system to track and manage specimens in research labs.
  • Qualtrics: survey software used to build and distribute online surveys, analyze and report on results, and collaborate with colleagues. Log in with your Emory credentials at Visit the Qualtrics Basecamp site for free training on how to use Qualtrics or see Emory's knowledge base article KB07456 for more information.
  • REDCap (REsearch Data Capture): REDCap is a secure, internally hosted web-based application used to create forms and manage databases in order to support data capture and surveys for research studies.